Sunday, January 31, 2016


Today was pretty uneventful, but I did grind up some bread. My mom makes all of our yeast bread and we save money by making our own breadcrumbs. Even if you use store bought bread and grind it yourself, you'll still save money.

Saturday, January 30, 2016


This is something I've been meaning to do for a while. I've tried budgeting on excel, but for some reason that never worked for me and I didn't stick with it. Mint allowed me to import everything that I needed and even created sample budget amounts for all of the basic spending areas.

Friday, January 29, 2016


I haven't been feeling the greatest these last couple of days, so I figured it was time for some probiotics (yogurt). Yogurt by itself is too sour for me, so I added frozen blueberries and cherries. Thirty seconds of blending yields a shake that is both tasty and healthy. I used a 2:1 ratio (by weight) of yogurt to fruit.

Thursday, January 28, 2016


There are so many stories I could tell about working for Hallmark, but today was actually a fun day of work. Every year, hallmark orders a revision/instillation for each store and the local retail merchandisers work together to complete the job. Most of the time, we work by ourselves when we service the store, so instillations are fun! (Hallmark retail merchandisers work inside of Walmart, CVS, Giant, Walgreens, Kohls, and BJ's. I work inside of a Walmart) We get to swap stories and tips with each other. We completed this store by lunchtime. This is what the shelves look like once we take down all the cards. Then we re-number the 4 ft section, and put up some of the old cards and lots of new ones.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Start of a new semester

One of my part time jobs is to take notes for students who are unable to. Basically I get to go back to school without all the tests, quizzes, and papers.  Winter Storm Jonas canceled the first day of classes, so Wednesday was the first day. This professor was actually the same one I had way back in 2007 when I went to this community college. The professor is a TON of fun and really knows how to keep students entertained.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Auto Show

I went to the Washington Auto Show with my dad and brother. We used to go to this event pretty often years ago, so it was nice to go back as an adult. This is a hydrogen fuel cell car. Alternative fuel cells are really interesting to me (especially being a chemistry major). There were a million bright lights in the ceiling which led to the lights bouncing off every single car (thus the poor camera quality).

Monday, January 25, 2016


Lately I have been adding a little bit of spinach to my scrambled eggs. It's healthy, and the color is fun. Since spinach can be bland, I also added some italian seasoning and dried parsley for flavor.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

New Soap

My plan is to post a photo every day this year (minus the first 23 days). We were snowed in this weekend (due to winter storm Jonas), so we had plenty of time to make some new soap. (My parents have a soap business.)

A photo posted by Kristi (@kristi0926) on

We created some new patterns, and we got to use some new scents (ginger and bay rum).